This video was featured on Facebook at Re: (@renewsnz) on 5/11/2018. Click here to see the original post on Facebook
No One is Going to Save YOU
No one is going to save you. You need to save yourself When we are kids, we depend on our parents, teacher and other adults for support, nurture and acceptance. …
What I have learned during 4 months of self-sourcing
What I’ve learned during 4 months of celibacy Most of my life I relied on another person to give me pleasure. Once I started my tantric journey, I learned about …
What happens when one learns to self-love
Self love has been somewhat a hot topic in my circles in recent times. What does it mean to have self love? It means that you respect yourself. That you …
Are you having sex or making love? – My story from feeling used to feeling loved
…….For a very long time, I had been saying “I had sex with so and so”, “I want to have sex with so and so”, and even when I was …
Emotionally Safe Sex Practices
…….Everyday, there are millions of sexual interactions going on around the globe. The story is usually the same: boy meets girl, they go on a date, they kiss, they have …
What is Sexological Bodywork?
Sеxоlоgісаl Bodywork is a nеw рrоfеѕѕіоnal and wоrld-wіdе approach to ѕеx еduсаtіоn thаt fосuѕеѕ on the lived, fеlt bоdу. Thrоugh learning nеw skills in brеаthwork, movement, gіvіng and rесеіvіng touch, …
Premature Ejaculation doesn’t have to be the norm
Recently I have noticed there is a premature ejaculation (PE) phenomenon happening. Or maybe it has been going on for a long time, but only now I have this awareness, …
Please touch me…
In my embodiment sessions, one of the questions I ask clients is “What does your body need right now?” A very common theme that comes up during …
The importance to secure your oxygen mask first
If you have ever traveled on an airplane before, you recall there is a safety briefing before take off. “Please fasten your seat belts, and in the unlikely event of …